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Monkey Mountain


When we first arrived, Todtoo –our tour rep had mentioned there was a “Monkey Mountain” in Hua Hin and after the disappointment of the waterfall, Stacey and I decided to plan our own excursion –after all, we could see it from our window, how hard could it be to get there?

We decided that rather than walking it (in hindsight it really was quite a trek so I’m glad we didn’t) we caught a Tuk Tuk. It took about 20mins to get there but what a place. Winding up the hill in what can only be described as a tin can spluttering black smoke we caught our first glimpse of the monkeys, a few were sitting next to a womans house looking a little bored.

When we were dropped off, we couldn’t see any monkeys, but instead there was a large flight of steps up to a temple1. Figuring the monkeys must be found up there we started our assent.

The temple was somewhat plain compared to some of the temples we’ve been visiting on our trip, but the views2 were breath taking, you could see for miles. I’m glad that I took the binoculars too as it meant we could see right out to sea and, more importantly, spot the monkeys which were at the bottom of the temple! The monkeys were playing all over the roof tops3 and creating a terrible racket but it was fun to watch.

Feeling a little toyed with we wandered back down, only to be greeted by a monkey sitting on a tin roof4 and quickly realised that the monkeys gathered outside the local monkey feeding house. They’re curious creatures, and the likeness to humans is very obvious when you feed them. First we bought some bananas and the monkeys would take them gently5 and peel them –just like we do. If they wanted more than they had been given they would pull at your trouser leg until you offered another banana6.

After the bananas ran out, we got a packet of peanuts to see what they did with those. Again they de-shelled the nuts and ate the nice insides. It’s amazing to watch and something I doubt I’ll ever forget –beats the monkey sanctuary hands down!

The woman in the food stall also had a baby monkey7 which we think had its mother killed. It was tiny and she let it climb over me, he was a cheeky little fellow too, at one point he climbed into the little bucket of peanuts I had and proceeded to de-shell his feast –much to the annoyance of his peers8!

  1. steps to the temple
  2. temple top views
  3. roof top monkeys
  4. lone monkey
  5. feeding the monkey
  6. monkey wanting more
  7. baby monkey
  8. the monkey and i

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