Export all products, properties and categories from uCommerce
A while ago I posted about how to Export products from Ucommerce into a CSV type format. The database schema has changed slightly since so today I'm posting an updated version of the code for v9. I've also added a second script that outputs the categories and list of products that are within the category which may be of use to some.
Export Ucommerce Products
DECLARE @cols AS NVARCHAR(MAX), @query AS NVARCHAR(MAX); SET @cols = STUFF(( SELECT ',' + QUOTENAME(pdf.Name) FROM uCommerce_ProductDefinitionField AS pdf LEFT JOIN uCommerce_ProductDefinition pd ON pdf.ProductDefinitionId = pd.ProductDefinitionId WHERE pdf.Deleted='0' AND pd.Deleted='0' GROUP BY pdf.Name ORDER BY MIN(pdf.SortOrder) ASC FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE ).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)'),1,1,'') SET @query = 'SELECT pvt.ProductId , p.Sku , p.VariantSku , p.Name , pgp.Amount AS [Price] , CASE p.DisplayOnSite WHEN ''1'' THEN ''Y'' ELSE ''N'' END AS [Show On Site] , CASE p.AllowOrdering WHEN ''1'' THEN ''Y'' ELSE ''N'' END AS [Allow Ordering] , def.Name AS [Product Type] , p.CreatedOn , p.ModifiedOn , pd.DisplayName , pd.ShortDescription , pd.LongDescription , p.Rating , ' + @cols + ' FROM ( SELECT pp.ProductId , ppdf.Name AS [PropertyName] , pp.Value AS [PropertyValue] FROM uCommerce_ProductProperty pp LEFT JOIN uCommerce_ProductDefinitionField ppdf ON pp.ProductDefinitionFieldId = ppdf.ProductDefinitionFieldId WHERE ppdf.Deleted = ''0'' UNION ALL SELECT pd.ProductId , pdpdf.Name AS [PropertyName] , pdp.Value AS [PropertyValue] FROM uCommerce_ProductDescription pd LEFT JOIN uCommerce_ProductDescriptionProperty pdp ON pd.ProductDescriptionId = pdp.ProductDescriptionId LEFT JOIN uCommerce_ProductDefinitionField pdpdf ON pdp.ProductDefinitionFieldId = pdpdf.ProductDefinitionFieldId WHERE pdpdf.Deleted = ''0'' ) AS x PIVOT ( MAX([PropertyValue]) FOR [PropertyName] IN (' + @cols + ') ) AS pvt LEFT JOIN uCommerce_Product p ON pvt.ProductId = p.ProductId LEFT JOIN uCommerce_ProductDefinition def ON p.ProductDefinitionId = def.ProductDefinitionId LEFT JOIN uCommerce_ProductDescription pd ON p.ProductId = pd.ProductId LEFT JOIN uCommerce_ProductPrice pp ON p.ProductId = pp.ProductId LEFT JOIN uCommerce_Price pgp ON pp.PriceId=pgp.PriceId INNER JOIN uCommerce_PriceGroup pg ON pgp.PriceGroupId = pg.PriceGroupId WHERE def.Deleted = ''0'' AND pg.Deleted = ''0'' ORDER BY p.Sku , p.VariantSku , p.Name ' PRINT(@query) EXECUTE(@query);
Export Ucommerce Category Hierarchy
WITH Cats (CategoryId, ParentCategoryId, CategoryName, CategoryPath, SortOrder) AS ( SELECT c.CategoryId , c.ParentCategoryId , LTRIM(RTRIM(c.Name)) , CAST(LTRIM(RTRIM(c.Name)) AS NVARCHAR(MAX)) , CAST(REPLACE(STR(c.SortOrder, 4), SPACE(1), '0') AS VARCHAR(255)) FROM uCommerce_Category c WHERE c.Deleted = '0' AND c.ParentCategoryId IS NULL UNION ALL SELECT ic.CategoryId , ic.ParentCategoryId , LTRIM(RTRIM(ic.Name)) , CONCAT(c.[CategoryPath], ' > ', LTRIM(RTRIM(ic.Name))) , CAST(CONCAT(c.[SortOrder], '>', REPLACE(STR(ic.SortOrder, 4), SPACE(1), '0')) AS VARCHAR(255)) FROM uCommerce_Category ic INNER JOIN Cats c ON ic.ParentCategoryId = c.CategoryId WHERE ic.Deleted = '0' ) SELECT c.CategoryId , c.ParentCategoryId , c.CategoryName , c.CategoryPath , STRING_AGG (CAST(cpr.ProductId AS NVARCHAR(MAX)), ', ') AS ProductIds FROM Cats c LEFT JOIN uCommerce_CategoryProductRelation cpr ON c.CategoryId = cpr.CategoryId GROUP BY c.CategoryId , c.ParentCategoryId , c.CategoryName , c.CategoryPath , c.SortOrder ORDER BY c.SortOrder
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